Vex 7
Castel Wars Modern
Welcome back to Vex 7, the latest installment in the famous Vex series. Now it's your time to show off your ultimate moving skills like a true ninja!
Castel Wars Modern

Castel Wars Modern

Castel Wars Modern
5 3.3

Castel Wars Modern


Castel Wars Modern offers a new installment to the popular combat series. The game is set in a near future. With a variety of weapons and abilities, you can battle in a modern city, on the Moon, or on an extraterrestrial world to win your opponent. Battle mode offers three unique maps. You can choose weapons and bonuses at random, depending on the level. Your success will be determined by your score or timing. The unique Mahyem game mode features lava, traditional combat, and an entirely new terrain. Battle and Mahyem games are both two-players that can be enjoyed on one device. It is possible to play zombie mode on the same device with two or one people.

How To Play

Blue Player:
Move: "W, A, S, D"
Create Block: "S"
Hit: "E" (Hold the key to throw the weapon if holding the sword)
Change Weapon: "Q"

Red Player:
Create Block: "DOWN ARROW"
Hit: "L" (Hold the key to throw the weapon if holding the sword)

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